How to Control the Universe with Your Mind

How to control the universe with your mind

Have you ever been thinking of a person for weeks and then they appear in front of you on the sidewalk? Have you ever envisioned something so many times that, when it actually happens, you don’t know if it’s real or not? What we think and say to ourselves and others communicates messages to the universe. Our thoughts have tremendous power and the thoughts we put out into the world affect what comes in and out of our lives. The language we use is so important because it communicates to the universe the frequency that we are on. Here’s how to control the universe with your mind:

Positive and Negative Energy

We must be careful with the language we use, especially with ourselves because we are always putting out and attracting energy. Through the use of our language, we communicate what kind of energy we are tuned into. Energy exists on a spectrum, but there are two poles: positive and negative.`

Energy is communicated at a much higher frequency than everyday objects. But just because it cannot be seen does not mean is not always there. Creating more awareness around energy is important. Because tuning into a negative energy frequency will result in the attraction of more negative energy. The more negativity energy a person puts out into the universe, the more they will get back in return. 

Watch: 5 Ways to Shift Negative Thinking

The Importance of Language

These concepts go by many names– karma, positive thinking, or enlightenment. However one chooses to define it, the message is the same: be positive and you will attract positivity. The reason language is so important is because it is what we use to attract positivity from the universe. All we can do is tell the universe what we want and hope it will deliver.

Read more: How to Become a Positive Thinker

Language is the way to engage the power of the world around you. In all of human history, one of the most consistent things that has remained constant is language. This is because language is our direct line to the universe. People who are tuned into a negative frequency often try to attract money or power or material things because they believe it will make them happy. However, they remain unhappy because they are still only getting negativity from the universe. 

Using positive language with others and ourselves is harder than we think. Our world today is filled with so much negativity and cynicism that it can be hard to get out from under all those negative thoughts. Start small. Notice when negativity comes into your mind or out of your mouth. Make small changes in the way you address yourself or others and always be mindful of where negative energy is lurking. Trust that the universe will notice your efforts and send you signs that you are on the right track. Being more positive will eventually become your new energy frequency and it will be harder for negativity to penetrate your life. You will be able to control your universe.

What is one thing you would like to communicate to the universe using a more positive energy frequency? Leave your answer in the comments below.

Ryan Jacobs, LCSW - NYC Therapist


  1. This is such a great blog, Ryan. I am a strong believer in knowing that what we put out into the universe will come back to us. It can be very challenging to always think positive, so I think it is great to see you explain that it is something that we need to practice. Such a great reminder! I also appreciate the language concept, as sometimes we may use negative language without understanding the impact it has on us, others and the universe. For me, I try to practice mindfulness through a positive lens, as this gives me hope and reduces my anxiety. Great blog!

  2. What I really love about this post is the sense of agency it offers you to use your intentions to change the world around you. I am particularly drawn to the concept of language and how words can have such a powerful impact on our circumstances, because language is something anyone can take control of. Great post, Ryan!

  3. I love how this post focuses on how having a positive mentality can help create a more positive life. It is great how you simplify it and emphasize the ways in which we can take control of our circumstances. I know, for myself, entering a situation with a positive mindset can have such a powerful impact on how that situation unfolds. Thanks for this post!

  4. I really appreciate this blog, Ryan! I love the message that what we put out into the universe impacts what we get back. And just because we can’t see it, energy is real.

  5. Gratefully addressing the universe of our ability to create an even more positive existence by cleaning up both my thoughts and words expressed starting now from repitition into a natural process. Love it…

  6. I have been thinking about where my career should go! I have a BS in Human Services-thinking of Grad School and spiritual healing as a path! The fact that you are an LCSW is a sign! Thank you 🙏🏼

  7. I agree 100%. But there is also chaotic positive energy that can be calmed for a more peaceful energy flow. Much love and hugs to all.

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  9. I’m the type of individual that can’t help but to think negative at tough and dark/painful situations. But hope this article put me in check leading me to only think positive.

  10. I like your article very much. I am a physician with over 40 years of knowledge in my personal development. I find out that I am a Highly Sensitive Empath who automatically absorb other people s emotions and want immediately to help them. Well, I constantly work on myself to release other people s energy and keep my positive energy and take care of myself. Dr. Blair 516-710-3010

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