4 Benefits of Virtual Therapy


Since COVID-19 has forced people to stay inside as much as possible, most therapists and their clients have been meeting virtually. While this did require some adjusting, many people are surprised by how happy they are with virtual therapy, or teletherapy. There are certainly advantages to meeting your therapist in person. However, meeting virtually does not need to be seen as a downgrade. In fact, there are some real benefits of virtual therapy.

Safety and comfort


Virtual therapy allows you to create a safe and comfortable therapy space that’s on your own terms. Maybe you are wrapped in your cozy blanket or make yourself a cup of tea to sip during your session. Perhaps you are diffusing your favorite essential oil or petting your cat. Having virtual therapy means you get to decide where you are and how you customize your environment. That way it feels as conducive to your needs as possible.

Virtual therapy also means you can avoid the awkward and potentially anxiety-inducing wait in the waiting room. You don’t have to worry about the jarring transition from the therapy office to the subway. If you feel safe and comfortable in your own home; then virtual therapy allows you to appreciate that safe bubble before and after your session. Being in the comfort zone of your physical space could make you feel more ready to open up and share with your therapist. If you’ve never been in therapy before, but have been considering it, starting virtual therapy could be a great way to start a relationship with a therapist.

Read more: Common Fears of Starting Therapy



In our fast-paced world, we cannot overlook the benefit of virtual therapy when it comes to convenience. Meeting via video means you can cut out the time and stress of commuting to and from the therapy office. You can also avoid the stress that comes with running late to therapy. Perhaps with the time you save by not traveling to your appointments, you can add to your self-care practices.

benefits of virtual therapy



Another benefit of teletherapy is that it allows for continuity. If you can meet over video, there is a level of flexibility built-in that may allow you to meet with your therapist more regularly. Some of the common reasons you might typically need to cancel may no longer be present. This means that, if you’re out of town or working from home, you don’t have to miss your session. If you have been working with your therapist for a while and then move far away, you can continue to see your therapist while you get adjusted. If you’re feeling sick, you can still see your therapist without worrying about sharing germs. While not feeling well physically is often a reason people cancel appointments. It’s actually a time when you might be feeling extra emotionally vulnerable and could particularly benefit from the support of your therapist.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has caused so much in our society to come to a screeching halt, teletherapy has allowed many people to retain the continuity of the support from their therapists. Living through this pandemic has been a particularly stressful time, and having access to continued therapy has been an important support for many people. 



Virtual therapy can even create a deepened sense of intimacy between you and your therapist. It gives you the opportunity to share your home with your therapist. You might show them meaningful things in your room, photographs, or artwork on your wall. If your therapist is also working from their home, you have the opportunity to see a window into their life. This can provide meaningful opportunities to process what that’s like.

Read more: The Power of the Therapeutic Relationship

More and more of our lives seem to be moving to the virtual space, and therapy is not exempt from this trend. Whether teletherapy is your preference or an alternative to in-person sessions while sheltering in place, you might already have personally experienced the benefits of virtual therapy. If you haven’t experienced it yet, this is a great time to give it a try.

If you are interested in starting virtual therapy, reach out to us and connect with one of our therapists!

What are some benefits you’ve experienced from virtual therapy? Join the conversation in the comments below!

Pamela Mendelsohn, LCSW
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  1. Such a wonderful post, Pamela! I second all of the benefits you listed, and in particular, I have especially appreciated the intimacy that is facilitated through virtual therapy. There is just something so special about getting this small window into each other’s lives by getting the chance to be in session from our homes.

  2. This is a great post, Pamela. Virtual therapy is definitely different from in-person therapy, but there are many ways it can be beneficial or even a better fit for some clients. I love that you emphasize the comfort and control clients can feel by setting up their own space for therapy. For people who feel intimidated by going into a therapy office, now may be a better time than ever to start therapy. Thanks again for this post!

  3. Awesome post, Pamela! Virtual therapy is so beneficial during COVID. Having therapy from the comfort of your home provides added safety to avoiding catching the virus. Before COVID some people used the excuse of not having time for therapy, as many factor in the commute time and the commitment. Having virtual sessions take less time out of your day and allows you to be as comfortable as you can be while processing your emotions. Thanks for highlighting the benefits of virtual therapy!

  4. Hi Pamela! This blog is amazing! The structure of therapy has significantly changed since the onset of Covid-19. As a therapist prior to Covid, I was never a fan of virtual therapy but I learned quickly that all these beautiful points you made (safety, convenience, continuity and intimacy) can all be achieved through a virtual platform. I think this blog post is so great for anyone that is curious about starting therapy virtually. I will definitely be sharing this post!

  5. My brother mentioned to me over the phone the other day that he wants to find a therapy service for his anxiety. You made a great point about how virtual therapy allows you to open up more because you are in a comfortable and familiar space. I will recommend that my brother looks into finding an online therapy company to help him overcome his anxiety.

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