How to Overcome Common Intimacy Issues


The emotional and physical intimacy that exists between two people is a vital component of any romantic relationship. It fosters deep trust and closeness between partners. However, cultivating and preserving intimacy can be challenging, particularly due to the numerous factors that may adversely affect this bond. Whether you have been with your partner for a few months or several years, various issues may arise that threaten the connection you share, including a lack of physical touch or emotional disconnection. These intimacy issues can significantly impact the quality of your relationship, giving rise to feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration, and resentment. 

This blog will explore some common intimacy issues in relationships and provide practical solutions for navigating these challenges. It will cover skills such as communication, active listening, setting boundaries, compromising, showing appreciation, and trying new things.  Further, it will explore self-care and self-improvement and highlight the significance of seeking professional help when necessary.

Common Causes for Intimacy Issues

Lack of Physical Touch

Intimacy, both emotional and physical, forms the bedrock of a healthy romantic relationship. However, various factors may disrupt this bond, leading to feelings of isolation and emotional distance between partners. One common issue is a lack of physical touch, which serves as a critical avenue for expressing intimacy. Physical touch can manifest in various forms (e.g., hugging, kissing, hand holding, gentle touching) and can serve as a powerful expression of closeness and affection. However, when partners stop initiating physical contact, it can give rise to a sense of detachment and disconnection. For instance, the absence of physical touch may lead to feelings of loneliness, dissatisfaction, and frustration. One partner could interpret the lack of physical intimacy as a sign of rejection or a lack of interest. 

Read more about how to improve your communication about sex here.

Lack of Trust

Another common issue that can adversely affect intimacy is the lack of trust between partners. Trust is an essential component of any healthy relationship, serving as a foundation for emotional safety and security. Without trust, partners may feel vulnerable and unsafe, leading to emotional distance and disconnection. For example, if one partner consistently breaks promises or demonstrates untrustworthy behavior, the other partner may start to feel disillusioned and emotionally distant, leading to feelings of frustration, hurt, and resentment. 

Emotional Disconnection

Finally, emotional disconnection can also cause challenges in maintaining intimacy between partners. Emotional disconnection may manifest as a lack of emotional intimacy, where partners don’t feel connected to each other emotionally. This may be caused by a lack of communication, unresolved conflicts, or unmet emotional needs. For instance, one partner consistently dismissing the other’s feelings or failing to communicate effectively can lead to a sense of disconnection and emotional distance between them. Over time, this can erode the intimacy between partners and create a sense of isolation and loneliness in the relationship.

Recognizing these issues and addressing them proactively through effective communication, empathy, and mutual respect can help strengthen the intimacy between partners and create a deeper and more fulfilling bond.


Skills and Solutions for Overcoming Intimacy Issues

Effective Communication

Effective communication involves expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a way that your partner can understand. This requires actively listening to your partner’s perspective and feelings and then responding appropriately. Communication is particularly important when it comes to intimacy issues because it can help identify the root of the problem and facilitate a solution. For example, if a partner feels neglected due to a lack of physical touch and intimacy, communication can help them express this need. Their partner can then respond by initiating more physical and sexual contact. 

Watch this webinar to learn more about talking about sex with your partner.

Active Listening

Active listening is another essential skill for navigating intimacy issues. It involves being present, fully engaged, and attentive to your partner’s words, tone, and body language. It’s not enough to simply hear your partner; you must also strive to understand their perspective and feelings. Active listening can help partners feel heard, validated, and understood, which is crucial for building intimacy and trust.

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a critical aspect of maintaining healthy relationships. Boundaries help define what is acceptable and what is not, and when partners have clearly defined boundaries, they know what is expected of them and can respect each other’s limits. For example, a partner may set a boundary around not engaging in certain behaviors, such as cheating, lying, or engaging in disrespectful behavior. When boundaries are respected, partners feel safe, respected, and valued, which can help build intimacy and trust.


Compromising is another essential skill for navigating intimacy issues. Relationships require compromise, and both partners should be willing to give and take. Compromises can involve anything from sharing household responsibilities to planning date nights. When both partners are willing to make compromises, they’ll be able to create a relationship that works for each of them. For example, if one partner prefers to spend more time at home, and the other partner prefers to go out more often, a compromise could involve planning a mix of activities that satisfy both partners’ needs.

Showing Appreciation

Showing appreciation is an often-overlooked aspect of maintaining intimacy in relationships. It’s easy to take your partner for granted when you’ve been together for a while, but showing appreciation for the things they do, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in how you feel about each other. For example, saying “thank you” when your partner does something kind or thoughtful can make them feel valued and appreciated, which can help build intimacy and trust.

Trying New Things

Being open to trying new things and experiences is crucial for keeping relationships fresh and exciting. Relationships can become stagnant when partners stop trying new things together, which can lead to boredom and disconnection. Trying new things, whether a new restaurant, a new hobby, or a new vacation spot, can bring excitement and freshness to your relationship. For example, a couple who has never traveled together could plan a weekend getaway to a nearby city or state, which could provide an opportunity for adventure and bonding.

Self-care and Self-improvement

Self-care and self-improvement are crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. Taking care of yourself can involve anything from exercise and eating well to pursuing hobbies and spending time with friends. Additionally, self-improvement can help you become a better partner by addressing any personal issues that may be impacting your relationship. For example, if a partner struggles with anxiety, seeking therapy or learning coping strategies can help them become a better partner by reducing stress and improving communication.

Professional Help

Finally, professional help can be a vital tool for couples facing intimacy issues, particularly when they feel unable to navigate these challenges on their own. A qualified therapist can provide a safe and non-judgmental space to explore underlying issues and develop practical solutions for overcoming them. Through therapy, couples can learn new skills, improve communication, and build stronger connections. 

Intimacy issues can be challenging to overcome, but they’re not insurmountable. By developing essential skills such as communication, active listening, setting boundaries, compromising, showing appreciation, being open to trying new things, self-care/self-improvement, and seeking professional help, couples can improve their intimacy and create a stronger bond. Remember that maintaining intimacy requires ongoing effort and commitment from both partners. Don’t hesitate to seek help if you’re struggling, and always prioritize open communication and mutual respect in your relationship. With dedication and willingness to work on intimacy issues, you can create a loving, fulfilling, and satisfying relationship.

Are you interested in talking to someone about how to increase intimacy in your relationship? Reach out to myTherapyNYC to find out which of our therapists could be a good fit for you!

What are some ways you have navigated intimacy issues? Join the conversation in the comments below!

William Li
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1 comment

  1. William,
    Thank you for sharing your insight/ wisdom. Appreciation can go a long way. Thank you for naming this. It is SO overlooked.

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