Let Go of the ‘Perfect Body’ [Video]

let go of the perfect body

Let Go of the ‘Perfect Body’ [Transcript]

We are sent a lot of messages through advertising and social media that there is such a thing as a “perfect body.” We are told that there are clothes we should be wearing and exercise routines we should be following to try to change or reshape our bodies so that they look a specific way. This can be dangerous because it tells us that our bodies are not okay just way they are. This can make people feel insecure and like they do not want to go out and enjoy activities, because they are distracted by their bodies and what they think they should look like. Here are three points of why we have to let our idea of the perfect body go.

The perfect body doesn’t really exist

Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and a lot of times the bodies that we see representing us on social media, on tv, and in advertisements are a very specific body type or build. A lot of times those bodies that we see have a lot of makeup on them, have been touched up, or are digitally altered. So, what we see and are told are amazingly beautiful people are actually doctored images and the human beings in those images don’t actually look like that in real life. What we are shown doesn’t match up with the reality of what a human being looks like. As a result, we the consumers of these images get unrealistic expectations. So, the bodies we see that are “perfect” aren’t actually real.

Being caught up in how you look takes away from your lived experience

If you’re going out with your friends or just going for a walk and you’re focusing on how you look or comparing the outfit that you’re wearing to others, you are actually not present with the current moment. What we know from research is that when we are present and mindful, we are more relaxed, enjoy ourselves more, and show up better in our relationships. One way to be more present is to let go of the idea that, in order to have a good time or to feel confident, we have to look a certain way.

Read more: The Difference Between External and Internal Validation

Our bodies are just fine as they are

Our bodies do so much for us and to focus on how our bodies look, what they are shaped like, or a certain type of muscle tone takes away from our appreciation of what our bodies can do for us. Companies are very happy to send us messages that we need to buy a certain product, wear a certain type of clothing, or attend a type of workout class in order to change, alter, or enhance our bodies. We don’t get too many messages that our bodies are okay just the way they are. Remember that your body is incredible just the way it is and one way to let go of this body myth is to focus on what your body can do, rather than what it looks like.

Read more: Practice Self-Love: 5 Ways!

So remember: the perfect body doesn’t exist, so there is no need to chase after it; focusing on how you look is distracting and can take you out of the moment and make you not enjoy yourself as much as you would if you stay present; your body is fine the way it is and you can appreciate what it can do, instead of what it looks like.

Watch: Love Your Body, Love Yourself

I’d love to hear what you think is important as we move away from these body myths, so please leave a comment below.

Cate Hickey - NYC Therapist
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  1. That you for addressing this, Cate! Many people feel a lot of pressure to have unrealistic expectations for their bodies, and these a great tips to help alleviate that pressure.

  2. Great topic Cate! Our idea of the perfect body has been severely distorted by the media so it’s important to learn why our bodies are good as they are.

  3. Great video, Cate! It’s so powerful to be reminded that we don’t need to emulate unhealthy and fake ideals of what a “perfect” body looks like. I particularly appreciate the point to remember all the amazing things our bodies can do, as opposed to focusing on how they look.

  4. Thanks Cate for a great video! It’s important for me to hear a sane and grounded sense of our bodies as opposed to the constant indoctrination of needing to be skinny and beautiful!

  5. This is great, Cate! I really value the idea that there is no perfect body. That false notion has caused many problems for people, as some people have strived for something that does not exist. In fact, in some case, people have tried to reach this unreachable goal in a dangerous manner. Great wake up call for those struggling to reach that unreachable goal. For me, I try to focus on wellness instead of vanity. But, I am human and we all can be easily influenced by false images…

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