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How to Help a Friend in an Abusive Relationship

Are you interesting in learning how to best support a friend who is in an abusive relationship? Read this blog post to learn more!

What is the Relationship Between Trauma and Addiction? [Video]

Are you curious about the relationship between trauma and addiction? This blog post covers how one can lead to the other and how to heal.

What is New Relationship Energy and How Do I Manage It?

Read this blog post to learn what new relationship energy is, what experiencing it may feel like, and how to manage it in a healthy way!

What is Bisexuality and is it Real?

Are you curious to answer the question “what is bisexuality?” This blog post explores how bisexuality is a valid sexual identity.

How to Talk About Racism With People Who Don’t Think It’s a Problem

It is no surprise that talking about racism can be uncomfortable. When diving into a topic that holds centuries of painful history, emotions are bound to arise. As a white person, I know firsthand how easy it is to ignore racism. I have the ability to overlook the painful and maddening experiences that people of… Continue reading How to Talk About Racism With People Who Don’t Think It’s a Problem

What is the Window of Tolerance? [VIDEO]

The window of tolerance can help you work towards change safely. Learn more about how the window of tolerance relates to trauma in this video!

Use Self-Compassion to be Your Own Friend

For many of us, being kind to other people comes naturally. Being kind to ourselves, however, is a different story. I often hear clients tell me about how compassionate, and supportive they are to their loved ones. I also often notice how these same people are unkind and critical toward themselves. There are many reasons… Continue reading Use Self-Compassion to be Your Own Friend

Why Should I Join a Therapy Group? [Video]

Have you ever wondered if joining a therapy group might be helpful? In this video blog, psychotherapists Weston Clay and Ashley Mead explore the various benefits of group therapy so that you can make an informed decision about whether it may be right for you! Why Should I Join a Therapy Group? [Transcript] Today we… Continue reading Why Should I Join a Therapy Group? [Video]

Manage emotional stress with distraction – not avoidance

We all experience emotional distress. Whether the feeling is sadness, anger, or something else, sometimes emotions can be overwhelming. It can be challenging to find a way out of feeling this way. For many people, moments of emotional stress lead to wanting the feelings to go away – and this makes sense. Who wouldn’t want… Continue reading Manage emotional stress with distraction – not avoidance

Ask a Therapist: Dealing with Family During the Holidays [Video]

Find this video helpful?We would love for you to pass it along! Email | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | LinkedIn Ask a Therapist: Dealing with Family During the Holidays [Transcript] How do I deal with getting annoyed or frustrated with family members? My first thought about this is to validate this for yourself. It makes a lot of sense that you may… Continue reading Ask a Therapist: Dealing with Family During the Holidays [Video]

Manage Obsessive Thoughts to Ease Your Mind

Obsessive thinking can be a lonely struggle, but it is something most people experience at some point in their lives. Perhaps you have experienced a trauma, a loss, or a breakup that you can’t stop thinking about. Maybe you find yourself worrying over and over about the same possible events that could happen in the… Continue reading Manage Obsessive Thoughts to Ease Your Mind

What is Your Anxiety Telling You? [Video]

What is Your Anxiety Telling You? [Transcript] Anxiety can be an uncomfortable feeling, but it can also be confusing because you don’t always know what’s wrong. Here are four easy steps you can use to understand what is going on beneath your anxiety and what your anxiety is trying to tell you. Notice Your Anxiety… Continue reading What is Your Anxiety Telling You? [Video]

Get More Attuned to Gender Identity

We live in a time in which the visibility of transgender and genderqueer people is quickly on the rise. Turn on the TV or flip through a magazine and you are more likely than ever to encounter stories about people with an array of gender identities (a personal favorite is the FX series Pose). This… Continue reading Get More Attuned to Gender Identity