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Make Wellness Your Resolution


At the start of a new year people reflect on the resolutions for the new year. They may be grand resolutions that are difficult to achieve, which can lead to stress, anxiety and low self-esteem. Instead, think about committing in small ways to wellness. These small tweaks to your daily life can have large and rewarding benefits associated with them.

Below are four tips that will promote wellness as a resolution in the new year –

1. Eat A Healthy Diet:

A well balanced diet can fuel your body and help you to combat stress. One enemy of a healthy diet is sugary food. While sugary food may give you a short term boost, you may feel a “sugar crash” after, which requires more of the same foods and can keep you stuck in a cycle of unhealthy eating. Instead, try limiting these foods and focus on eating healthier foods that will keep you full and hydrated throughout the day. Some examples include salads, strawberries and coconut water. Read How “Healthy” is Your Fitness and Diet Routine? 3 Things to Consider

2. Avoid Toxic Intakes:

Drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes may sound comforting, but they are not! It is important to find healthier ways to deal with stress and anxiety. If you struggle with any of these and avoidance is too difficult, try moderation first. For instance, maybe one glass of red wine with dinner can be very satisfying and and a better alternative to a few cocktails. We all know alcohol can be problematic, so if it seems to be a problem for you, try altering your behavior: 10 Ways to Moderate Your Drinking

​ 3. ​Create an Exercise Plan:

People are often intimidated by the idea of getting in shape. But getting in shape does not need to be about long workouts or even a gym membership. Take the first step, by committing to walk for at least 30 minutes a day. Making time in your schedule to focus on your body can be a fun and rewarding way to start the new year.

4. Start A Sleeping Schedule:

A well rested brain and body is critical for a productive day. If we do not get enough sleep, our body does not have the opportunity to move through the phases of muscle repair, memory consolidation or the release of hormones. These phases are crucial to keeping our body balanced and functioning. Think of getting adequate sleep as charging your cell phone. Do you leave your house with a phone that is not charged? Watch 4 Tips for Getting Better Sleep.

Have you made wellness your resolution for 2017?
Join the conversation below by sharing your tips!

James L. Colter - NYC Therapist
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  1. I find that people fail at big, grand plans to exercise every single day and eat healthy 100% of the time…instead, I find it helpful to make smaller goals that feel real and attainable such as a goal to eat healthy salads for lunch 3 times a week, or to only have 1 sweet a week, or to exercise 3 times a week. You’ll feel good about yourself when you accomplish these small goals and then can expand on them!

  2. Great things to keep in mind as we role over into the new year. I especially liked the last tip to think of our bodies as our cell phone batteries. I never let mine get below a certain percent, but have found myself feeling completely drained many times. That really spoke to me! My 2017 resolution is to prioritize my self care. If that is as simple as a yoga class or even planning a trip, I want to make time for it with out pushing it to the back burner. Thanks for the blog!

  3. This is a great recap of the fundamentals of wellness perfectly timed for the start of this new year. As a new parent, I have struggled in recent years to prioritize my own self-care.Towards the end of 2016 I began to focus on something really simple (but seemingly impossible these days) – getting more sleep. While it was hard for me to give up some rare “me time” in the evenings, I have now embraced my need to be in bed by 10pm where possible on week days, and it has changed my life! Getting the full 8 hours per night of sleep has made a HUGE difference in my energy level, focus, mood, and overall sense of well-being. Don’t under-estimate the potential impact of even a minor lifestyle adjustment…Zzzzzzzzzz

  4. These are really great tips. It can be tempting at the start of a new year to think big in terms of goals. Simple, accessible subtle shifts can have a significant impact (and are often more sustainable). There are many things in life that can feel beyond our control. However, making small adjustments in how we eat, sleep and practice self-care will more likely be met with success and boost our self confidence. It’s a win-win!

  5. I like the idea of having a sleeping schedule. Its amazing how much sleep factors into overall wellness and mood. These are great tips that take on a holistic approach to wellness which is incredibly important. Great job!

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