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How to Make a Good Decision

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Effective decision-making is stressful and can often be time consuming. We are presented with so many decisions every day ranging from whether we should go to the gym, what TV show we should watch, or when we should apply for a new job. Sometimes we compromise when faced with a tough decision, occasionally we randomly choose… Continue reading How to Make a Good Decision

3 Tips to Better Manage Anger [Video]

We’ve all experienced anger before and we know that it can take on various states, whether it is a passing feeling of annoyance or full-on rage. Anger can be a healthy emotion if it is appropriately identified and managed, so that it does not negatively impact your daily functioning. Here are three tips you can… Continue reading 3 Tips to Better Manage Anger [Video]

4 Tips for a Healthier Work-Life Balance

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In NYC, it’s often difficult to distinguish between who we are and what we do. We may feel like we’re working 24/7 and are even made to feel guilty for leaving work to take care of ourselves. It can feel like an impossible feat to create and maintain a healthy work-life balance and most people could… Continue reading 4 Tips for a Healthier Work-Life Balance

Helping Someone with Depression: 5 Ways to Be Supportive

Sometimes it is difficult to know how to approach a loved one about their depression. Watching someone suffer from depression can cause tremendous pain and can result in the non-depressed person feeling a mix of emotions including loneliness, guilt, helplessness and anger. If you have ever experienced this, you are certainly not alone! Here are… Continue reading Helping Someone with Depression: 5 Ways to Be Supportive

How to Give Constructive Criticism

We have all been in a situation where we want to give a friend, a colleague or a partner constructive criticism but feel uneasy confronting them. What if they reject or dismiss it? What if they view it as an attack? What if it comes out all wrong and we end up arguing? These are… Continue reading How to Give Constructive Criticism

How To Manage Your Stress

Unfortunately, stress is inevitable. So, what can we do about it? I’ve always thought a little stress can be good. It can help to motivate you, it can encourage you to perform better, and it can heighten your excitement about a task. However, it’s all about moderation. Too much stress can cause physical and emotional… Continue reading How To Manage Your Stress

How to Relieve Stress by Deep Breathing

One of these simplest ways to calm yourself down when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or scared is to focus on your breathing. It sounds so simple, yet we tend to forget to do it in the heat of the moment. Can breathing actually affect our mood and make us feel calmer? When people are under… Continue reading How to Relieve Stress by Deep Breathing

10 Ways to Manage Your Time More Efficiently

Why do we always feel like we can’t get everything done that we need to? No matter how hard we try, the to-do list never seems to end. Time management is a skill that so many of us struggle with in our daily routines. So, what’s the answer? How can we manage our time more… Continue reading 10 Ways to Manage Your Time More Efficiently

Give Yourself the Gift of Self Care

Although the holidays are intended to leave us feeling fulfilled, loved, and accomplished, they often leave us feeling more stress than pleasure.  Many people are concerned with the amount of time they need to spend with family members during the holidays, and often feel a sense of dread in the weeks leading up. Being surrounded… Continue reading Give Yourself the Gift of Self Care

How to be Assertive & Stand Up For Yourself!

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Are you worried that you’re turning into a “doormat?” Are you tired of feeling powerless and passive? Many people take a more avoidant approach in their relationships for fear that assertiveness may compromise their interpersonal relationships. Nobody wants to be viewed as pushy, bossy, or unapproachable so how we become more assertive without turning into… Continue reading How to be Assertive & Stand Up For Yourself!

How to Say “No” Without being Rude. 5 Ways!

  Do you feel like a bad person for saying “no” to others? Is your fear of saying “no” causing you to over-commit yourself and increasing your stress? If this sounds familiar, you need to learn that saying “no” is a healthy option and is an important relationship skill that helps individuals draw clear boundaries… Continue reading How to Say “No” Without being Rude. 5 Ways!

How to Become a More Positive Thinker

Do you find yourself stuck with your own negative thinking patterns? Are you someone who struggles to see the positive side of life occurrences? Do you notice that your negative thoughts often impact your self-esteem? We all know the feeling of a negative morning mood spiraling out of control and impacting the rest of our… Continue reading How to Become a More Positive Thinker