4 Strategies for Overcoming Rejection

overcoming rejection

Everything from “we’ve decided to hire someone with a little more experience” to “he/she is just not that into you” all point to one uncomfortable yet inevitable part of life: REJECTION. Many of us try desperately to avoid rejection because frequently it comes with a list of concerns about our own sense of self worth and identity.  Rejection can feel like the end of the world, but it doesn’t have to. Overcoming rejection can be an opportunity for growth.

Here are four strategies for overcoming rejection –

1. Remind yourself that the rejection isn’t about you  

We tend to believe that being rejected means there is something wrong with “us” (I’m not attractive enough, good enough, smart enough etc.).  But it is often a reflection of the individual who is rejecting and not you.  Think of it this way, does your dislike for a certain flavor of ice-cream mean that the flavor is terrible?  No! It simply means that, for whatever reason, that flavor doesn’t work for you.  Remember, being rejected simply means you are a special flavor of person that will work for some and not others.

2. Find authentic means of validation

Being rejected can feel incredibly invalidating.  We may even question whether or not we are worthy of love and belonging. In those moments it is especially important to find authentic means of feeling good about yourself.  Find something you are passionate about — drawing, writing, photography, sports — and engage in that activity.  Engaging in a passion is a wonderful way to ground yourself while reinforcing the fact that you are indeed worthy of love and belonging.

3. Rally the troops

Reaching out to your support system during a time of feeling low is an excellent way to get a more accurate reflection of the situation as well as yourself.  Your friends can remind you of how special you are to them, which we all need to hear sometimes.

4. All it takes is one

Remind yourself that all it takes is for acceptance with one person to make all the rejection worthwhile. Finding a relationship or job just right for you isn’t a destination, but a process.  Be loving and patient with yourself and the rest will fall into place.

Rejection may always sting a bit.  However, you don’t have to feel hopeless.  With a shift in thinking and a solid support network, rejection can be a pit stop on the road to success!

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Omar Torres - NYC Therapist
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  1. Great post! Always a good reminder not to internalize the rejection. “Does your dislike for a certain flavor of ice-cream mean that the flavor is terrible? No!” Sweet.

  2. I agree that “rallying the troops” and surrounding yourself with loved ones can be the best distraction in times of need. Finding even one person to be positively distracted with can make all the difference in the world!

  3. This is great advice reminding us that we can choose how we respond rather than just react to rejection!

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