Why We Need to Listen More and Give Less Advice [Video]

woman listening to another woman

Listen More and Give Advice Less

In this video blog post, psychotherapist Anna Goodhand discusses the importance of listening more and giving less advice. From a young age, many of us are conditioned to receive advice when we share problems, which continues into adulthood. Anna emphasizes how unsolicited advice can make us feel incompetent. The urge to give advice stems from a desire to fix others’ problems, but this approach can come across as patronizing.
Anna shares that most people want to feel seen, heard, and understood when they share their problems. Active listening involves being fully present and non-judgmental. Practicing active listening validates the other person’s feelings and creates a more meaningful, supportive relationship where we feel heard.


Read more about how to be a good friend.

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What reasons do you have for becoming a better listener for your friends? Join the conversation in the comments below!

Anna Goodhand, MHC-LP
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