The holidays are often seen as a time for gatherings, celebrations, nostalgia, and togetherness, but it can feel a little daunting if you find yourself alone during the holidays. It might even seem like everyone you know, both in real life and in movies, has extravagant plans for travel, parties, and family bonding. However, riding solo during the holidays doesn’t have to mean loneliness or isolation. It can be a chance to slow down, reflect, and create meaningful moments and memories for yourself. Whether you’re embracing solitude by choice or circumstance, this time of year offers a unique opportunity to explore new traditions, indulge in self-care, and discover joy in unexpected places. In this blog, you’ll find practical tips and creative ideas for enjoying the holidays on your terms and making the most of the season no matter your situation.
Create Your Own Holiday Traditions
One of the best ways to embrace being alone during the holidays is by creating your traditions. You may be surprised to learn that traditions don’t need to be tied to family gatherings or social events- they can be personal practices that bring you joy, and comfort, and can still be special even if they’re just for you! Even if you typically think of holiday traditions as shared events, challenge yourself to find new meaning in solitude. For instance, think about which seasonal activities usually make you happy- now ask yourself, “Can I do them alone?” Chances are, you can! Perhaps a solo holiday dinner, complete with all your favorite foods, is something that will bring you joy. Maybe you want to indulge in a movie marathon of holiday classics or binge-watch the series you’ve meant to catch up on. Even something as simple as visiting a local café or walking through a neighborhood you’ve always wanted to explore can breathe new life into your alone time.
Another way to make new solo memories can be exploring hobbies you’ve never had time for—whether that’s learning how to bake festive treats, starting a seasonal craft, or diving into a book you’ve been dying to read. If you’re feeling creative, you could even start a holiday journal or mood board where you document thoughts, reflections, images, and small moments of joy throughout the season. This will not only help you embrace the present but also create lasting memories to look back on in the future.
Prioritizing Self-Care and Relaxation
When the holiday season ramps up, it’s easy to get swept into a whirlwind of to-do lists, shopping, socializing, and financial obligations. But if you’re spending the holidays alone, you have the perfect opportunity to step back and focus entirely on yourself. Have you been feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, tired, or spread thin? This could be a time to practice relaxation, allowing yourself to reconnect with your body and nourish your mind. Take long, soothing baths, treat yourself to a quiet walk in nature, or meditate to find a sense of inner peace. You may even want to consider incorporating a pampering routine into your alone time—whether it’s lighting your favorite candles, doing a face mask, or enjoying a cozy cup of hot cocoa. Maybe treat yourself to a cozy spa day, complete with relaxing music and maybe a good book or podcast. Make space for rest, take a nap, slow down your pace, and prioritize your well-being in whatever way feels most nourishing to you.

Practice Mindfulness and Find Joy in Solitude
Similar to relaxation, mindfulness is an incredibly helpful tool for finding meaning in spending the holidays alone. This can be a time to find presence with yourself and your surroundings, noticing the simple joys that might otherwise pass you by—the scent of pine, the comfort of a blanket, or the stillness of a quiet room. It’s also a time to slow down, focus your attention inward, and get to know your emotional world better. In these moments, you may discover a deeper connection with yourself and gratitude for the space to reflect and recharge.
To deepen this experience, here’s a simple mindfulness activity to help you connect with your emotions and reflections this holiday:
- Grab a writing tool and a piece of paper
- Find a comfortable position to sit in, close your eyes, and take a of couple deep breaths
- Imagine your perfect solo holiday. Spend some time in this imaginary world and allow yourself to explore it for a few minutes.
- Take a moment to check in with yourself and ask some reflective questions:
– How does it feel to spend this time alone?
– Is there anything you are looking forward to doing?
– Is there anything or anyone you miss?
– What stood out the most in this imaginary journey? - Be curious! Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions and feelings come up. All of them are allowed (not just the “good” ones)! Open your eyes and reflect on what you learned about yourself. Write down some of your thoughts. For instance:
– I felt both sad and happy. I am sad because I will miss my partner while she is away for the holidays, but I am happy because I have time to make my favorite holiday snack and focus on my knitting. I can’t wait to get started!
– This holiday doesn’t feel the same as it used to. I feel nostalgic about spending holidays with my family and hate that this is no longer possible. I wonder if I can try and capture that essence of nostalgia alone. Can I give myself the peace that my family is not able to? - Set an intention for the rest of your solo holiday based on what came up during this mindfulness activity. This might look something like:
– Lean into what I can control
– Give myself permission to be present with and feel my emotions
– Visit that new bookshop and treat myself to a book
Connect With Others in Thoughtful Ways
Being alone during the holidays doesn’t mean you have to be disconnected from others. If you feel inclined, reach out to family and friends in ways that feel manageable and fulfilling. A phone call, video chat, or sending a heartfelt text or holiday card can help bridge the gap between physical distance and emotional closeness.
Remember, it’s important to set boundaries around how you connect. You have the power to choose the interactions that make you feel nurtured and happy, so don’t feel obligated to engage in conversations that drain your energy during this time. Keep in mind that your solo time is valuable, and you deserve to share it with people who make you feel supported and appreciated. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the constant holiday chatter or the pressure to keep up with everyone’s plans, it’s okay to step back. Sometimes, just a brief check-in with loved ones is all you need to feel connected. Alternatively, if you need to prioritize your own space, that’s perfectly fine too—perhaps pouring that loving energy into yourself instead is exactly what you need this season.
Freedom in Being Alone
One of the greatest gifts of spending the holidays alone is the freedom it offers. Without the pressures of social expectations, you have the time and space to recharge in your way. This solitude offers a chance for personal growth, relaxation, and reflection, allowing you to create peace and joy by embracing new traditions, prioritizing self-care, practicing mindfulness, and connecting with others in small ways. So, whether you choose to enjoy the holidays in quiet solitude or your circumstances have led you to this outcome, remember that the season can be just as meaningful and fulfilling no matter how you spend it!
Take a moment to reflect and share below how you will find meaning in your holiday alone this year. Happy Holidays everyone! Read more about surviving the holidays with less stress here.
Are you interested in exploring how you are spending the holidays in therapy? Reach out to myTherapyNYC to find out which of our therapists would be a good fit for you!
What additional tips do you have for spending the holidays alone? Join the conversation in the comments below!
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