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Body Image and Mental Health [Video]

Body Image and Mental Health [Transcript] We all have different definitions of what body image is. In this blog, I will break body image and mental health down into three parts: Affective: This is the way that you feel about your body. We all may like or dislike our bodies or our size. The way… Continue reading Body Image and Mental Health [Video]

Social Media and Mental Health: The Good and the Bad!

It’s 2020 and social media platforms have become a big part of our everyday lives. Did you wake up today and immediately check your phone? Did you go to bed checking your Instagram feed before falling asleep? For most people, no matter what a given day holds, social media plays a part. While social media… Continue reading Social Media and Mental Health: The Good and the Bad!

Let Go of the ‘Perfect Body’ [Video]

Let Go of the ‘Perfect Body’ [Transcript] We are sent a lot of messages through advertising and social media that there is such a thing as a “perfect body.” We are told that there are clothes we should be wearing and exercise routines we should be following to try to change or reshape our bodies… Continue reading Let Go of the ‘Perfect Body’ [Video]

How to Overcome Body Image Struggles: The First Steps

Are you someone who is often feeling unhappy with how you look, ashamed about parts of your physique, or trying the latest fad diet?  For many of us, our bodies are a frequent source of frustration, inadequacy or guilt.  Shame, a toxic emotion which Miriam Webster defines as “a painful emotion caused by consciousness of… Continue reading How to Overcome Body Image Struggles: The First Steps