Overcoming Dating Anxiety: How to Enjoy Dating Again [Video]

man and woman enjoying a date

Psychotherapist Marilyn Ramirez discusses dating anxiety and how to enjoy the dating process. It is important to reflect on what you want from dating, whether it’s a casual hookup, a long-term relationship, or simply exploring your desires. Being honest with yourself and transparent with your dates is crucial. Dating should be fun and viewed as an opportunity to meet new people and learn about yourself. Stay present during dates by using grounding techniques and deep breathing to manage anxiety, and be intentional about having new experiences.

It is normal to be fearful of rejection. Reflect on your values and the qualities you like about yourself so you can strengthen your sense of self and help you cope with rejection. It’s essential to check if your expectations are realistic, such as not expecting to find your life partner after just one date if you’re seeking a long-term relationship. Authenticity is attractive! Be yourself rather than feeling the need to prove yourself. 

Watch How to Use Dating Apps in a Healthy Way

Are you interested in exploring dating in therapy? Reach out to myTherapyNYC to find out which of our therapists would be a good fit for you!

What tips do you have for how to enjoy dating? Join the conversation in the comments below!

Marilyn Ramirez

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