How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Phone

Smartphones, the technology we love to hate. It is a classic case of can’t live with them, can’t live without them. On the one hand, our smartphones have made our lives so much easier. On the other hand, they’re supposedly ruining our physical and mental wellbeing. Not many days pass without a new study suggesting… Continue reading How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Phone

Surfing Yourself into a Stupor? 5 Signs of Internet Addiction

Time spent online can be productive and enjoyable. You may use the Internet extensively for your job, or, like me, rely on social networking sites to keep in touch with loved ones overseas. But what if you find yourself checking Twitter as soon as you wake up in the morning, scrolling through your Instagram feed… Continue reading Surfing Yourself into a Stupor? 5 Signs of Internet Addiction