Our Mental Health & Wellness Blog

myTherapyNYC Blog

Read our therapists’ latest thoughts on a variety of mental health topics including blogs on anxiety, depression, LGBTQ+ issues, and more!

woman listening to another woman

Why We Need to Listen More and Give Less Advice [Video]

This video blog explores why we need to give less advice. It teaches us the power of listening and how to be an active listener.

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woman grieving with head in sweatshirt

Grief & Loss: Understanding the Purpose of Grieving

Have you experienced loss and the painful experience of grief? This blog helps us understand grief, why we experience it, and how to cope.

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new mom with postpartum depression

Understanding Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is frequently misunderstood or stigmatized. This blog explores the signs of PPD and how to approach treatment.

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beach bodies during summer

Every Body is a Beach Body: Navigating Body Image During the Summer

Are you having a difficult time with your body image this summer? This blog shows us how to let go of expectations and improve our body image.

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faces of all emotions

Emotions 101: What Are Emotions? [Video]

Do you ever feel confused by your emotions? This video blog gives us the basics of emotions and answers the question, "What are emotions?"

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man experiencing trauma and holding head

The Wisdom of Trauma: How Hard Times Change Your Brain

Have you experienced trauma and struggled to heal? This blog explores how trauma changes the brain to reduce stigma and encourage healing.

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man in school with social anxiety

Tips for Improving Social Anxiety

Do you struggle with social anxiety? Read this blog to learn tips for improving social anxiety through wellness practices.

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blocks describing avoidance

Signs of Avoidance Anxiety [Video]

Do you find yourself avoiding tasks? This video blog explores signs of avoidance anxiety and how to break the cycle.

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woman doing meditation practice

How Can I Begin a Meditation Practice?

Have you wanted to meditate but don't know where to start? This blog teaches you how to start your own meditation practice.

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man and woman enjoying a date

Overcoming Dating Anxiety: How to Enjoy Dating Again [Video]

Do you experience dating anxiety? Watch this video blog to learn how to enjoy dating and cope with the fear of rejection!

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woman hugging her body

The Weight of Self-Image: Anxiety, Depression, and Body Image

Do you struggle with your body image? Read this blog to know what factors contribute to body image issues and tips for body positivity!

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pic of psychedelic mushrooms

What Are Psychedelics and Why is Everyone Talking About Them?

How you been curious about psychedelics? Read this blog to learn about how psychedelics can be used in mental health treatment.

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father parenting son

Parenting After Trauma [Video]

Are you a parent who has experienced trauma? Watch this video blog to learn how to overcome your past and be the best parent for your child.

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Lazy women sitting on phone

You’re Not Lazy! Understanding Why You Feel Lazy

Do you often describe yourself as a lazy person? Read this blog to learn why you're not lazy and how to deal with burnout.

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Plants growing out of money in jars

Your Wealth-Being: What is Financial Wellness?

Do you struggle with your relationship with money? Read this blog to learn how to improve your financial wellness.

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how to get un-twisted about age

How Old Do I Look? Ways to Get Un-Twisted About Age

A friend of mine recently told me about being in a bar and chatting someone up. During the small talk/flirtation, the object of interest coyly asked the question, “How old do I look?”  Granted, the person asking could have been 25 or 55, but my

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what is reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energetic healing which uses the universal life force to gently move energy in body and spirit and thus create space for the health and healing of the receiver. Universal life force is often known as Ki, Ch’i, Goddess, Universe, and

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Hush the Rush in 1-2-3

How often do you catch yourself running like a crazy person? Desperately trying to finish whatever you’re doing so that you can quickly dash to the subway, race into the yoga studio, quickly change and barely make it into the classroom before the door closes…which

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Healthy Gay Relationship

The First Step to Entering a Healthy Gay Relationship

A few years ago I first saw a client who was extremely frustrated and sad because he was having trouble finding a quality guy.  I’ll call him Harold.  Harold wanted so badly to be in a committed relationship.  Whenever he went out he would think,

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treating trauma with acupuncture

Treating Trauma with Acupuncture: A Holistic Approach

When I hear the word “trauma,” I feel its weight. Definitions of trauma include such words and phrases as “shock,” “severe distress,” “wrenching experience,” “disastrous event,” “rape,” “combat,” and “resulting in disturbance of normal functioning.”  These terms communicate severity; they communicate suffering.  They imply lasting

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overcome body image

How to Overcome Body Image Struggles: The First Steps

Are you someone who is often feeling unhappy with how you look, ashamed about parts of your physique, or trying the latest fad diet?  For many of us, our bodies are a frequent source of frustration, inadequacy or guilt.  Shame, a toxic emotion which Miriam

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How to Get Through a Breakup

How to Get Through a Breakup

The right relationship can be a source of joy and deep satisfaction and can even help you live a longer and healthier life. So when things don’t work out, it can leave a person hurt, depressed and afraid to try again. It’s important to take

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Dining while Dating

We’ve all been there, and hopefully will be again. You’ve made the dinner date, sparks are in the air…and here comes the panic. Who will pick the restaurant? What if you pick a restaurant too pricey, or worse… too low-end? Who is paying? What will

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what is neurofeedback

What is Neurofeedback?

Your brain is the most complex system on Earth. It possesses an amazing ability to take in information, learn from it, and reorganize itself on your behalf. NeurOptimal® neurofeedback gives your brain information on what it’s doing moment to moment – real time feedback that

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