Every person has emotions, but too few of us have great tools for understanding and navigating our own core emotional experiences. Most of us did not learn emotional skills in school or even from our caregivers or families. Additionally, a lot of cultural messaging around emotions perpetuates harmful myths about what they are and how we can engage with them.
We are often told to “let it go” or “forgive and forget” in order to feel better. Powerful core emotions like grief are turned away from and hidden away. Anger is often perceived as only dangerous and destructive. As a result, many people equate strong emotions with feeling out of control or mentally unwell.
This, however, is not necessarily the case. In fact, feeling is an essential component of mental wellness and can actually help us to feel better. And, luckily, there are some basic and foundational skills that you can practice to get in touch with, learn about, and navigate your own emotional landscape.
In this webinar, you will:
Recorded on June 24, 2020