“Are They a Narcissist?”

How to Understand Narcissistic Traits and Deal with Difficult People

Presented by Peter Devereaux

narcissistic traits

Have you noticed that the term narcissism seems to be trending these days? Most often, it’s used in reference to those who may seem self-centered and lacking in empathy for the experience, needs, and feelings of others. We all have people in our lives who consistently frustrate, annoy, or exhaust us. But could such people actually be considered narcissists? 


To answer this question, we first have to address some common misconceptions about narcissism. For instance, did you know that there is actually such a thing as healthy narcissism? In fact, it’s considered to be essential to positive self-esteem. Sometimes, however, even healthy narcissism can become dysfunctional. It can negatively affect someone’s personal relationships, cause distress to those around them, and impede their ability to live a healthy life. 

If there is someone in your life with narcissistic traits — whether it be a partner, friend, relative, or colleague — it’s important to remember that knowledge is power. By developing your understanding of these traits, you can start to take steps to increase your sense of wellbeing in these challenging relationships.


Watch this free webinar to:

  • Understand how to identify narcissistic traits and how they manifest in yourself and others
  • Explore the differences between healthy narcissism, narcissistic traits and Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • Master the process of setting healthy boundaries
  • Know how to respond when someone won’t respect your boundaries
  • Learn strategies for effectively engaging with the difficult person in your life

Recorded on October 30th, 2019

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Webinar – Narcissist


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