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What is Codependency?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde Have you heard the word “codependent” before? Were unsure of what that means or if it could apply to you or someone you know? What is codependency? Codependency is a type of behavior that affects our relationship with others and with ourselves. Its roots stem from… Continue reading What is Codependency?

How to Respond When Someone Comes Out to You [Video]

Are you not sure how to respond when someone comes out to you? Read this post for do’s and dont’s and learn to show support.

Use Self-Compassion to be Your Own Friend

For many of us, being kind to other people comes naturally. Being kind to ourselves, however, is a different story. I often hear clients tell me about how compassionate, and supportive they are to their loved ones. I also often notice how these same people are unkind and critical toward themselves. There are many reasons… Continue reading Use Self-Compassion to be Your Own Friend

Trauma and Relationships: How to Help a Partner with a Trauma History

Being in a relationship with someone who has a trauma history can be uniquely challenging at times. In many cases, individuals who experience trauma may behave in ways that are hard for their partner to understand. For instance, they may escalate quickly to anger, express distrust, experience panic attacks, or become disengaged. Because trauma can… Continue reading Trauma and Relationships: How to Help a Partner with a Trauma History

Depression in Marriage: It’s Okay to Not be Okay

Depression is often a very unexpected, unwelcome guest that forces its way into our lives. It affects what we may be thinking, feeling, and how we handle the tasks of our everyday life. One of the first signs of depression is loss of interest in things that would typically bring us joy. What happens when… Continue reading Depression in Marriage: It’s Okay to Not be Okay

What is Radical Acceptance? (And What is Not)

“Radical Acceptance rests on letting go of the illusion of control and a willingness to notice and accept things as they are right now, without judging” – Marsha M. Linehan  What is one way that we can reduce our suffering while also increasing our sense of personal freedom? One method, developed by Marsha M. Linehan,… Continue reading What is Radical Acceptance? (And What is Not)

Ask A Therapist: Love and Relationships [Video]

Ask a Therapist: Love and Relationships [Transcript] In this video, I answer some common questions that I receive from clients about love and relationships. The purpose of this is to help people understand their thoughts and feelings about love and relationships. My hope is that this will help you have a clearer understanding of what… Continue reading Ask A Therapist: Love and Relationships [Video]

3 Reasons Why You Don’t Really Miss Your Ex [Video]

3 Reasons Why You Don’t Really Miss Your Ex [Transcript] In this blog, I will talk about why you think you miss your ex in those moments of vulnerability while forgetting the reasons why the relationship ended in the first place.  Picture this: You meet someone who seems really great. They are exactly who you… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why You Don’t Really Miss Your Ex [Video]

5 Strategies for Conflict Resolution

Is conflict a bad thing? Not always. Sometimes conflict can be approached as an opportunity to address an issue that has been a problem for a while, or as an opportunity to discuss something that has suddenly become a problem. When we look at conflict in its purest form, we can see that it simply… Continue reading 5 Strategies for Conflict Resolution

How to Have A Difficult Conversation With Someone You Love

Difficult conversations with loved ones are sometimes unavoidable in life. There are, however, some simple guidelines that you can follow in order respectfully negotiate mutually satisfying solutions while creating a mutual sense of trust and connection. There are times when our apprehension about confronting an issue ends up standing in the way of our taking… Continue reading How to Have A Difficult Conversation With Someone You Love

The Difference Between Acceptance and Resignation

You’ve likely heard that in life you must accept the things you cannot change. Often you might hear this sentiment expressed around situations outside of your control, such as past events, the behaviors of others, or unforeseen circumstances such as illness, job loss, or death. In theory, acceptance is the most constructive way to move… Continue reading The Difference Between Acceptance and Resignation

Why It’s Important to Talk About Mental Health

Mental health can be a very challenging and sensitive conversation topic, especially when it comes to talking about your own mental health. This puts us in a very vulnerable position, where we have to talk about something extremely sensitive and personal. Being put in that vulnerable position can also bring up a lot of unpleasant… Continue reading Why It’s Important to Talk About Mental Health

Standing up to Sexism at Work

Let’s face it, although it’s 2019, we still unfortunately see many instances of sexism playing out in the workplace. Workplace sexism can take a huge psychological toll and make us feel devalued, disrespected, and invisible. The #metoo movement has brought new energy and focus to this not very new issue. Whether you work in Hollywood… Continue reading Standing up to Sexism at Work

Using Your Attachment Style to Recognize Patterns in Relationships [Video]

Using Your Attachment Style to Recognize Patterns in Relationships [Transcript] Many different kinds of relationships can be impacted by your attachment style. If you are new to the theory of attachment, you might (very understandably) be wondering “what is attachment?” Attachment refers to the kinds of strategies that we use within our interpersonal relationships in… Continue reading Using Your Attachment Style to Recognize Patterns in Relationships [Video]

3 Ways Acceptance and Forgiveness Can Intertwine

Some people can be very hurtful with their words and actions. Mental, emotional and physical abuse is painful. Betrayal and infidelity can leave us feeling damaged and broken. Refusing to process these feelings, thoughts, and emotions trap us in a state of emotional suffering. So, how do we get past this? Do we simply get… Continue reading 3 Ways Acceptance and Forgiveness Can Intertwine