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What is DBT? [Video]

Do you want to learn more about DBT? This blog post covers important concepts and who might benefit from DBT.

Why Gender Pronouns Matter [Video]

Navigating gender pronouns appropriately is very important. Learn more about gender pronouns and how to avoid misgendering in this video!

How to Talk About Racism With People Who Don’t Think It’s a Problem

It is no surprise that talking about racism can be uncomfortable. When diving into a topic that holds centuries of painful history, emotions are bound to arise. As a white person, I know firsthand how easy it is to ignore racism. I have the ability to overlook the painful and maddening experiences that people of… Continue reading How to Talk About Racism With People Who Don’t Think It’s a Problem

How do I stay connected to my adult children?

At what point does our job as parents become easier? Some would argue that the hardest stages are when our children are younger. They require the utmost attention, love, affection. And don’t even get me started on the psychoanalytic developmental life stages – talk about pressure! Jean Piaget talks about four fundamental stages of development… Continue reading How do I stay connected to my adult children?

Why Your Friend is Not Your Therapist

Having a good friendship is something that we all treasure and adore. Friends are essentially our chosen family. We usually can share anything and everything with them at any time of the day. Friends get to know us very well over time. Some of our friends have even been with us throughout the majority of… Continue reading Why Your Friend is Not Your Therapist

Protecting Mental Health for Working Parents: Resisting Untruths

What’s happening in our surroundings impacts our mental health and our sense of self. It’s especially easy to see examples of this in the present moment. COVID has created ongoing uncertainty. As a result, many of us are anxious and less happy. A key reason we’re feeling so much anxiety internally, is that we are… Continue reading Protecting Mental Health for Working Parents: Resisting Untruths

Do’s and Don’ts of Negotiating Boundaries in an Open Relationship

If you are drawn to open relationships, you may feel overwhelmed at first. Unlike monogamy, open relationships have no default set of norms or expectations. Building relationship structure from scratch can offer a rare opportunity to reflect on one’s own needs and desires. Sometimes we are tempted to make demands of our partners out of… Continue reading Do’s and Don’ts of Negotiating Boundaries in an Open Relationship

How to Celebrate the Holidays Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Video]

How to Celebrate the Holidays Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Transcript]   As we enter into the holiday season, we must be mindful of our safety and the safety of others. In order to be mindful of this, we have to think about the things that we have been advised to do to protect ourselves… Continue reading How to Celebrate the Holidays Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Video]

‘Tis the Season for Setting Boundaries

If spending time with family during the holiday season stresses you out or triggers you, you’re not alone! For many of us, visiting family might mean spending time, energy, or money in ways that don’t align with our values. We might have radically different political views, lifestyles, or religious beliefs than the people who raised… Continue reading ‘Tis the Season for Setting Boundaries

Tips on Managing Your Gift Giving Anxiety

The holidays can be a wondrous and joyous time for relaxing, spending time with loved ones, and celebrating the passing of another year. For many people, though, the holidays can also be stressful and hectic. It can be a time full of event planning, last minute shopping, and budgeting of both time and money. In… Continue reading Tips on Managing Your Gift Giving Anxiety

Avoiding Burnout in Your Work Life

Many of us work hard, but finding a balance between work and personal life is important. With the pressure and expectations from our careers, it can be difficult to achieve this. We often get the message that success requires sacrifice. A more realistic idea, however, is that success requires balance. If we can find a… Continue reading Avoiding Burnout in Your Work Life

3 Strategies for Setting Healthy Boundaries

Boundaries are a vital part of maintaining healthy relationships. They are stated limits that build integrity and authenticity in our relationships with others. Setting Healthy Boundaries lets others know what is OK and what is NOT OK. When our boundaries are respected, we feel safe and protected. But when someone crosses a line, it creates an… Continue reading 3 Strategies for Setting Healthy Boundaries