What is the Best Way to Lose Weight?

best way to lose weight

Everyone has an opinion. Anyone who has successfully lost weight would assure you that you must do exactly what he or she did; however, if you are still struggling, you are in the majority.  You may have unsuccessfully attempted a variety of programs and plans, and are always enthusiastic about the next big idea.

The countless nutrition books, websites and experts all promise weight loss with various viewpoints, approaches or even gimmicks.  Don’t believe everything you read.

The truth is:

  • There is no magic bullet
  • It is not easy
  • It takes work
  • It requires discipline

Not a glamorous answer, but I think we all prefer the truth.

The good news: The low-fat vs. low-carb diet debate is over. They both lead to success.  There are many methods to lose weight. You have to figure out your best way to eat less and move more. What works for one, may not work for the other.

Choose your resources wisely and figure out ways to:

  • Eat nutritious, filling foods with minimal calories such as Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, or a big bowl kale (to name a few)
  • Modify recipes to reduce calories: Do you really need all that butter or oil?
  • Enjoy cooking at home more often than dining out: Save money while saving calories
  • Time your meals and snacks wisely: Avoid getting too hungry or too full
  • Plan ahead: Don’t rely on the unknown office lunch…pack your own healthy meal
  • Eat mindfully, not senselessly: Get in touch with feelings of hunger and satiety
  • Choose food wisely in a variety of settings: Think beans, greens, lean protein
  • Find time for exercise and choose activities you enjoy: Schedule exercise time as you would a business meeting or doctor appointment

Everybody could use a helping hand, or someone to help you think out of the box.  Seek guidance from a nutrition or fitness professional to individually and creatively guide you as you implement change.

First thing’s first. You have to be ready for change. Not temporary change, but a true long term lifestyle shift.  Are you ready for the journey?


Meredith Liss, MA, RD, CDN, CDE
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